Online Casino Happy Rich Year Gives Out Jackpots Worth Over $5 Million in First Month! Play for real Play for real Online Casino Happy Rich Year (OCHRY) marked its first month in business by awarding jackpots worth over $5 million to lucky players. The casino has been a big hit with gamers since its launch, offering a comprehensive range of games and bonuses. "We're thrilled to see our players winning big jackpots and enjoying their experience at OCHRY," said a spokesperson for the casino. "We can't wait to see what the rest of the year has in store!" Some of the biggest jackpots won in OCHRY's first month include: $1,597,747 won on a progressive slot game called Mega Moolah $1,024,487 won on a progressive blackjack game called Royal Crown Blackjack $415,023 won on a game of roulette The casino is packed full of games that offer players the chance to win life-changing sums of money. In addition to the games mention...